An open guest lecture by a world-class specialist

We invite everyone to an open guest lecture by a world-class specialist!

Topic: Using R tools to work with the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM)

👨‍💻Lecturer: Nazar Kholod –
Doctor of technical sciences in the field of economics at Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Master’s degree in public policy at the University of Maryland, senior researcher at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy
✅national coordinator of the Net Zero World project in Ukraine
✅Worked for 12 years at the Joint Institute for the Study of Global Change in cooperation with the University of Maryland.… Continue reading

The first publication within the U_CAN project

The team of the MMDA department is pleased to announce the publication of its first paper “Solar energy potential mapping in Ukraine through integration of GIS, remote sensing, and fuzzy logic” within the framework of the U_CAN project in the European Journal of Remote Sensing (IF 3.7).… Continue reading

U_CAN project website launched

News of the U_CAN project

🌍We are happy to announce that the website of the U_CAN – Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality project, the partner of which is our MMDA department, is ready!

The U_CAN project aims to help Ukrainian cities adapt their strategies and standards to the EU climate policy.… Continue reading

Our students gained Presidential scholarship

We are happy to announce that our talented master’s students (FI-31mn group) – Saliy Yevgeniy Valeriyovych, Kuzin Volodymyr Hamletovych and Drozd Sofiya Yuriivna – won the Presidential Scholarship! 🏆 This is recognition of their educational achievements and perseverance. This scholarship is not only an honorary award, but also an additional incentive for our students to continue to achieve great heights in education and research.… Continue reading