An introductory meeting of the German-Ukrainian DAAD DigiJED project took place

On September 12, at 16:00, an introductory meeting of the German-Ukrainian DAAD project DigiJED – Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Study Success in Times of Crisis from the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.

The following courses were discussed:

  • Distributed Systems & Network Programming;
  • ICT Security;
  • Machine Learning;
  • Creating Mobile apps with Android;
  • Computing resources for high-loaded services;
  • IoT and Embedded System Programming

The course “Machine Learning”, during which students will get acquainted with the basic methods and technologies of machine learning, will be taught by Doctor of Philosophy, senior lecturer of the department Hanna Yailymova.… Continue reading

Start of the project «Innovative solutions for the restoration of the Mediterranean ecosystem through monitoring and decontamination from chemical pollution»

On June 1, a new project «Innovative solutions for the restoration of the Mediterranean ecosystem through monitoring and decontamination from chemical pollution» was launched, the participants of which are the team of our department.

Due to various external factors, the Mediterranean basin is very vulnerable to chemical accumulation and pollution.… Continue reading

Results of the German-Ukrainian DAAD project “DigiJED-​2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts” 2022 and development in 2023

The main goal of the DijiJED educational project is to support the educational process at Ukrainian universities under martial law. The project envisages the creation of a concept of collaborative digital learning in the field of information and communication technologies.

The educational project involves students of the 3-4th year of bachelor’s and 1st year of master’s degree, as well as Ukrainian teachers, some of whom already work at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences or teach from Ukraine, as well as teachers from Germany and North Macedonia.… Continue reading

Results of the German-Ukrainian DAAD project “DigiJED: digital education through joint efforts” 2022 and development in 2023

The main goal of the DijiJED educational project is to support the educational process in Ukrainian universities under martial law. The project envisages the creation of a concept of joint digital learning in the field of information and communication technologies. Students of 3-4 years of bachelor’s degree and 1 year of master’s degree, as well as Ukrainian teachers, some of whom already work at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, or who teach from Ukraine, as well as teachers from Germany and North Macedonia, participate in the educational project.… Continue reading

A series of trainings from the leading scientific center of the European Commission Joint Research Center has begun

For our group on applied mathematics, the leading scientific center of the European Commission Joint Research Center has started a series of trainings on mastering the European cloud platform CreoDIAS. The representative of this platform, namely Mr. Guido Lemoine, told the staff of the department and the participants of the group an introduction to CreoDIAS.… Continue reading

Participation in the DigiJED educational project – register in time!

In the DigiJED project, an international consortium led by the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany) with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers to join the study of information and communication technologies within the framework of training courses from leading Ukrainian and European teachers:

  • «Operating Systems» – 4 ECTS
  • «Distributed Systems & Network Programming» – 4 ECTS
  • «Data Processing Cloud Technologies» – 4 ECTS
These courses are offered for study already in the fall semester of the academic year 2022-2023.
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The German-Ukrainian DAAD project “DigiJED: digital education through joint efforts” was launched

The German-Ukrainian DAAD project “DigiJED: digital education through joint efforts” has started its work.

The partners of the project are Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany),  Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (North Macedonia), NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Odessа Polytechnic National University, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, and State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication.Continue reading

Presentation of the results of work on the e-shape project

On June 23-24, 2022, the meeting was held regarding the public discussion of the results of the successful pilots of the European e-shape project. Among other pilots of the e-shape project, the results of Pilot 1.6 – “Service for SDG 2.4.1 and 15.3.1 indicators” were presented by prof.… Continue reading