Machine Learning for Land Use Management and Sustainability – Prof. Nataliia Kussul

The invited speaker is Prof. Nataliia Kussul, a leading expert in artificial intelligence, satellite monitoring, and big geospatial data. She is a professor at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis at National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU “KPI”) and an associate research professor at the University of Maryland (UMD). Prof. Kussul has extensive experience working with international organizations, including NASA, GEO, the World Bank, and the United Nations.


In this session, we will explore the current challenges and opportunities of applying machine learning and deep learning to land use management. We will discuss both global trends and our own practical experience in integrating deep learning techniques with predictive models to enhance land use analysis and decision-making.

A key focus will be the development of Earth System Digital Twins, which are transforming how we model and analyze the interaction between natural and human-driven factors in land use changes. Prof. Kussul will introduce the main objectives of the Ukrainian-Swiss “Land Use Change Digital Twin” project, which aims to create a digital twin to monitor land use changes in response to climate challenges and socio-economic transformations.

Additionally, we will explore opportunities for international collaboration in Earth Intelligence, a field that combines satellite data, artificial intelligence, and advanced modeling to support data-driven decision-making for sustainable development.
Також обговоримо можливості міжнародної співпраці в напрямку Earth Intelligence, що об’єднує супутникові дані, штучний інтелект і сучасні моделі для підтримки ухвалення рішень у сфері сталого розвитку.

Speaker Photo

Dr. Nataliia Kussul

NTUU “KPI”, University of Maryland

Machine Learning for Land Use Management and Sustainability

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16:00 (GMT +2)