Feedback from the winner of the ER IPT HACK_2023 hackathon Davyd Gavrylenko

At the hackathon ER IPT HACK_2023, which was held from May 12 to 21, 2023, with the support of Hackathon Expert Group for the 125th anniversary of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, the BrokeFreelancer team won the Earth Intelligence track.

It is important that the team consisted of only one participant — student Davyd Gavrylenka from NNFTI, who acted as the ideologist of solving the problem.… Continue reading

Start of the project «Innovative solutions for the restoration of the Mediterranean ecosystem through monitoring and decontamination from chemical pollution»

On June 1, a new project «Innovative solutions for the restoration of the Mediterranean ecosystem through monitoring and decontamination from chemical pollution» was launched, the participants of which are the team of our department.

Due to various external factors, the Mediterranean basin is very vulnerable to chemical accumulation and pollution.… Continue reading

Works of our students at the All-Ukrainian competition

Both works of our 4th-year bachelors Kuzin Volodymyr and Saliy Yevgeny at the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the fields of knowledge and specialties were approved by the Academic Council of the NN РTI.

1️⃣ Kuzin Volodymyr’s work on the topic «Analysis of the effectiveness of cloud platforms for satellite monitoring tasks» aimed to investigate the use of cloud technologies for the processing and analysis of satellite data and to evaluate their effectiveness in comparison with local computing resources.… Continue reading

Accreditation of the bachelor’s level of the ЕPP «Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision» has been completed

We have good news again!

The educational and professional program «Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision» in the specialty 113 Applied mathematics has now passed the accreditation of the first (bachelor’s) level!

Congratulations to all who have worked fruitfully on this extremely important process.… Continue reading

The process of accreditation of the Master’s level «Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision» in the specialty 113 Applied mathematics has been completed

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the second (master’s) level accreditation process of «Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision» in specialty 113 Applied mathematics!

Accreditation of an educational program is an extremely important stage for any educational institution and its staff.… Continue reading

Davyd Gavrylenkо speech at the scientific seminar «Data, Intelligence and Algorithms»

26 of May 2023 the scientific seminar «Data, Intelligence and Algorithms» was held at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis. Second-year student Davyd Gavrylenko, the winner of the ER IPT HACK_2023 hackathon on the forest monitoring task, spoke.

Davyd shared his experiences and told how important it is in today’s world to use artificial intelligence as a personal assistant to save precious time.… Continue reading

Additional points for the spring semester 2022/2023

From May 16 to May 25, 2023 (inclusive), students can submit documents that provide grounds for taking into account additional points in the performance rating, according to which an academic scholarship will be awarded based on the results of the summer semester control 2022/2023.… Continue reading