Lists of those who are enrolled in the master’s program

Congratulations to all those who have successfully enrolled in the master’s program to study in the specialty 113 «Applied Mathematics» in the educational program «Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision»!

After a considerable competition (1.3 people per place), 12 entrants out of 16 are now full-time students of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis. You should be proud of that. In addition to our bachelors, we were joined by graduates from other faculties, which indicates the popularity of this educational program!

Our students are always inquisitive and purposeful young people who want to become professionals in their field, so we wish them that. Good luck in your studies, creative inspiration and good luck on your chosen path!


Full-time education
Institute of Physics and Technology
113 «Applied Mathematics»
Educational program:
«Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision»
Educational and professional training program:

  1. Бондар Марія Олександрівна
  2. Буханевич Родіон Михайлович
  3. Колодяжна Олена Олександрівна
  4. Малиняк Володимир Володимирович
  5. Омельченко Богдан Романович
  6. Поприго Ярослав Леонідович


Full-time education
Institute of Physics and Technology
113 «Applied Mathematics»
Educational program:
«Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision»
Educational and scientific training program:

  1. Барабаш Ілля Олегович
  2. Дякуненко Максим Сергійович
  3. Крохальов Іван Данилович
  4. Мазур Євген Олександрович
  5. Павлюк Андрій Дмитрович
  6. Щербакова Валерія Ігорівна


Lists of students enrolled in other specialties can be viewed at the link.