An open guest lecture by a world-class specialist

We invite everyone to an open guest lecture by a world-class specialist!

Topic: Using R tools to work with the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM)

👨‍💻Lecturer: Nazar Kholod –
Doctor of technical sciences in the field of economics at Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Master’s degree in public policy at the University of Maryland, senior researcher at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy
✅national coordinator of the Net Zero World project in Ukraine
✅Worked for 12 years at the Joint Institute for the Study of Global Change in cooperation with the University of Maryland.

⚡️Nazar Kholod will share his many years of experience working with the GCAM model.

📅 Date: 18.09.2024, 14:30
💻 Format: Online (Zoom)
📋 Registration form (until 18.09.2024 14:00!)