2nd place in “AI for Defense: Drones, Security, and Disinformation”

We are happy to announce that the bplAI team of students of our MMAD department took the prize 2nd place in the field of Software within the framework of the 2024 summer school “AI for Defence: Drones, Security, and Disinformation”!
The composition of the team: Svyatoslav Khmelevskyi (2024 master’s graduate, group FI-21mn), Zinevych Valentin and Berkuta Volodymyr (2nd year of bachelor’s degree, group FI-21), Anastasia Bekesheva (3rd year of bachelor’s degree, group FI-12) and Novikov Timur.… Continue reading

The summer school “AI for Defense: Drones, Security, and Disinformation” 2024 has ended

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the 2024 Summer School “AI for Defense: Drones, Security, and Disinformation”

Our Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis has been conducting summer schools on data analysis and artificial intelligence for three years in a row, and this year’s summer school is a synergy of powerful universities and institutions to achieve a common goal – victory!… Continue reading

The team of the MMDA department in final of Sikorsky Challenge 2024

The team of the MMDA department presented the WarScan project at the artificial intelligence start-up project competition and won the right to participate in the finals of the XIII International Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2024”!

The team proposed the WarScan platform, which uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to track war-damaged fields in real time, determine the percentage of field damage, and detect local damage and craters from bombings.… Continue reading

Our paper was presented 2024 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)

On May 15, 2024, the master of the department Yevhenii Saliy (group FI-31mn) presented a paper on the topic “Transfer Learning Approach for Oil Spills’ Detection Using SAR Satellite Data” (co-authored with professors of the department Natalia Kussul, Andrii Shelestov, master’s student Volodymyr Kuzin) in the section “Aerospace and electronic systems”.… Continue reading

International symposium on applied geoinformatics – ISAG2024

On May 9-10, 2024, the International symposium on applied geoinformatics 2024 (International symposium on applied geoinformatics – ISAG2024) was held in Wroclaw, Poland.

In total, more than 100 scientific works were presented at the symposium, of which 7 works were presented by our teachers and students.… Continue reading