Our students have been recommended for personalized scholarships from the President of Ukraine!

Our students have been recommended for personalized scholarships from the President of Ukraine!

The President of Ukraine Scholarship is awarded to higher education students who are excellent students and have distinguished themselves in their academic and research work. And this is about them:

  1. Кузін Володимир Гамлетович — НН ФТІ, 1 курс, ФІ-31мн
  2. Салій Євгеній Валерійович — НН ФТІ, 1 курс, ФІ-31мн
  3. Дрозд Софія Юріївна — НН ФТІ, 1 курс, ФІ-31мн

The students’ documents will be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which will make the final decision on the scholarships.

But we believe in our students, so everything will work out! We are proud of them and wish them success!