The group is aimed at deepening knowledge and skills of sports programming in order to prepare for the Olympics. We consider the basic theoretical and practical aspects necessary for successful participation in programming competitions of any level: from linear algorithms to the basics of graph theory.… Continue reading
The first semester of the “Olympic Programming Club” has been successfully completed
The first semester of the “Olympic Programming Club”, which operates on the basis of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, has been successfully completed.
More than 30 students took part in the work of the group, seven of whom successfully completed an online course in sports programming and received official certificates and additional points to the rating.… Continue reading
The presentation of the educational program “Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision”
On May 25, 2021, the presentation of the educational program “Mathematical methods of modeling, pattern recognition and computer vision” of the second (master’s) level took place. The online webinar was attended by bachelor’s and master’s students.
During the webinar, the structure of the new educational program was covered by Professor of the Institute of Physics and Technology of NTUU “KPI”, Doctor of Technical Sciences Nataliia Kussul.… Continue reading
Master’s program in pattern recognition and computer vision
Still wondering where exactly it is better to enter a master’s degree, comparing relatively similar options? Are you interested in deep learning and computer vision and want to get the most valid and relevant knowledge in the modern world? Then let’s get acquainted!… Continue reading
On the day of astronautics the webinar “Satellite monitoring – as a driver of digital transformation” was held
Today prof. Nataliia Kussul spoke at the webinar “Satellite monitoring – as a driver of digital transformation”. The main purpose of the webinar was to present the possibilities of using satellite monitoring data in various research and economics areas and public life.… Continue reading
“Dreams of space as a driver of science, education and innovation”, Nataliia Kussul
By the day of cosmonautics, April 12, 2021, “the Mirror of the Week” published a thematic article by Nataliia Kussul “Dreams of Space as a driver of science, education and innovation“. The article tells why, thanks to which data and programs “space” science began in Europe and Ukraine, and also reveals the need for this field both in science and at the state level.… Continue reading
The first test flight drones
Meeting with graduates of lyceum № 145
Doctors of Philosophy diploma awarding
Academic mobility
Academic mobility of Department and participation in international scientific events:
2022 – 2nd-year master student Yevhen Mazur and Yaroslav Poprygo (2905-с від 12.05.2022, 2906-с від 19.09.2022), and graduated Leonid Poprygo are studying under the ERASMUS+ program in the field of Computer Science at the University of Sweden, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
09.2022 – now – 4th year student Nazar Ponochevny is a research intern at the University of Toronto on the Special Exchange – Ukraine program
07.2022 – 08.2022 – 4th year student Nazar Ponochevny completed an internship Mitacs Globalink Research Internship
09.2022 – 08.2023 – Prof.… Continue reading