Congratulations to the winners of the Open Programming Olympiad

Do you want to win in programming olympiads? Come to study applied mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis.

On May 20, 2023, the final stage of the open Olympiad in programming (KPI-Open) took place, and the 2 best teams are students of the specialty 113 Applied mathematics from Phystech, participants of the «Olympic programming» group, under the leadership of the sub-department of MMAD NNРTI, prof., Natalia Kussul.

The gold prize-winner is the team of our IPT_KPI_politech23 department consisting of 2nd year students.

The 2nd place was won by the IPT_Fizkek team of 3rd year students.

In addition, 2 more teams participated — IPT_DreamyTadpoles (under the leadership of associate professor of the Department of MMAD Orekhov O.A, consisting of students of the 1st year) and Team IPT_CS_Ghosts (under the leadership of Prof. Kussul N.M, consisting of students of the 3rd year), which solved 1 problem each.

Also, our student helped the friendly FIOT faculty to take 3rd place (he was in the physical engineering team KPI_NGGYUTeam).

All team members studied the selective course «Programming of effective algorithms» and are members of our circle of the MMAD department «Olympic programming».

Below is the full list of winning teams:

1st place: the IPT_KPI_politech23 team consisting of students of the 2nd year of the FI-11 group:

  • Абкерімов Арсен
  • Данилов Костянтин
  • Логвинов Дмитро
  • Плющай Анна

2nd place: the IPT_Fizkek team consisting of students of the 3rd year of the FI-03 group:

  • Кузменко Анна
  • Потужний Богдан
  • Свірш Влада

The collective team from FIOT KPI_NGGYU Team, which included a student from group FB-03 NNFTI, took the 3rd place:

  • Шанідзе Давид

Also, two more Fiztech teams took part in the Olympiad, solving at least 1 problem each, but did not win prizes. But, we are sure that these teams still have a long way to go!

The IPT_DreamyTadpoles team, trainer, associate professor of the Department of MMAD Orekhov O.A, consisting of students of the 1st year of the city FB-22:

  • Власником Галина
  • Перебинос Роман
  • Швайка Олексій

The IPT_CS_Ghosts team, coach Professor Kussul N.M, consisting of students of the 3rd year of FB-04:

  • Дмитренко Даніїл
  • Музичка-Скрипка Олександр
  • Осіпчук Антон

We sincerely congratulate the winners and their coaches, we are proud of you and wish you new achievements!