We invite you to the guest lecture “Artificial intelligence and applied mathematics”

We invite everyone to the guest lecture “Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics” by Prof. Natalia Kussul!

Join via the link on December 27, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.
To participate, fill out the registration form https://forms.gle/kouM1PTBw9oR8avQ6?fbclid=IwAR3BdvkWu2xUsB0KgNFKPBOCAiN8rs3jTjtLaHJHkJgV1lqT2JMKUGu_j4k.

A link to join will be emailed at 1:30pm, or use the code word AI_AppMath.
Do not miss an interesting lecture!

Watch the recording of the lecture at the link.