On 22-23 November 2022, the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva hosted the final meeting of the #WorldCereal project, which developed a global arable land monitoring system based on satellite monitoring data. At the meeting the results of the project and the steps of project development, validation of the resulting maps and the existing problems and ways of overcoming them were discussed.… Continue reading
Congratulations to Hanna Yailymova on the appointment of a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists
The assistant of our department, Doctor of Philosophy Yailymova Hanna has been awarded a Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine!
Hanna is a young scientist in the field of applied mathematics, engaged in the analysis of satellite data for land monitoring, in particular in the field of agriculture.
Professors of the MMDA department are included in the open database of the world’s most cited scientists
On the International Day of Science, the MMDA department welcomes all scientists and is proud that two professors of our department, prof. Nataliia Kussul and prof. Andrii Shelestov, included in the open database of the world’s most cited scientists, created by Stanford University based on a standardized methodology that takes into account various citation indices, the influence of scientific publications where the works are published, and even the serial number of the author in the publication.… Continue reading
The 12th annual UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices Coordination Meeting was held
On November 14 – 16, 2022, the 12th annual coordination meeting of UN-SPIDER regional support offices was held in Vienna, where Ukraine was represented by employees of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis – Prof. Nataliia Kussul and assistant Hanna Yailymova.… Continue reading
A series of trainings from the leading scientific center of the European Commission Joint Research Center has begun
For our group on applied mathematics, the leading scientific center of the European Commission Joint Research Center has started a series of trainings on mastering the European cloud platform CreoDIAS. The representative of this platform, namely Mr. Guido Lemoine, told the staff of the department and the participants of the group an introduction to CreoDIAS.… Continue reading
Discussion on the “Mathematical Modelling, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision” educational programme
The department discussed the educational programmes “Mathematical Methods of Modelling, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision” in speciality 113 Applied Mathematics for all levels of education. At the meeting the issues of developing professional and creative skills of future specialists were raised, cooperation with international institutions, training students in real scientific projects were discussed, and the topical issue of “brain drain” was also raised.… Continue reading
Participate in TechCrunch Disrupt 2022!
Nazar Ponochevnyi, an undergraduate student of Phi-92 at the Igor Sikorsky Institute of Physics and Technology of the KPI, presented his startup Harmix, an intelligent service that automatically matches music to videos, at TechCrunch Disrupt 2022!
For the first time Ukraine presented its innovation potential at TechCrunch Disrupt, one of the most famous startup events in the world, which is annually visited by 10 thousand participants from 125 countries.… Continue reading
Congratulations to the teachers on receiving textbooks with the seal of the KPI!
Specialists of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis replenished the intellectual fund of the Physical and Technical Institute with new educational and methodological developments:
“Analysis of data. Laboratory workshop” by Kussul N.M., Shelestov A.Yu., Tarasenko S.A., Yaylimova G.O. for zdobuvachіv bachelor’s degree for specialty 113 Applied Mathematics.… Continue reading
Participation in the EO4UA – EARTH OBSERVATION FOR UKRAINE initiative
The Earth Observation for Ukraine (EO4UA) has been initiated by CloudFerro to support Ukrainian and international authorities in assessing war-related environmental losses by provisioning processing capabilities combined with a large repository of satellite data and higher-level products generated by the EO4UA partners.… Continue reading
Meeting of the WorldCereal project
On October 11, 2022, a meeting of participants of the European WorldCereal project took place. For our department, this project became possible thanks to the Ukrainian-German Center of Key Competences (AIDA-TI), since Ukrainian institutions do not have the opportunity to directly participate in the projects of the European Space Agency.… Continue reading